Uttarakhand Districts

There are 13 districts in Uttarakhand State of India.

Find details about Uttarakhand’s districts. Get to know every district from the inside. Get details like tehsil, blocks, villages, top cities, pin codes, RTO code, district centers, gov offices, etc.


13 Districts
113 Tehsils
16,793 Villages


78.8% Literacy
76.31% Rural literacy
84.45% Urban literacy


1,00,86,292 population
70,36,954 rural
30,49,338 urban

Explore Villages by Districts

There are 16,793 Villages in Uttarakhand State having 13 districts and 113 tehsils.

Uttarakhand districts are filled up with various cultures, beauty, and environments. Some of our districts are less populated and attract lots of tourists. You can contact us to help us update the demographic and stats of villages, tehsil, blocks, and other geographic data.