How far is Nainital from Haldwani and what is the exact distance between Haldwani to Nainital City?
Haldwani to Nainital Distance
If you're traveling to Nainital from Haldwani. The distance of the journey will be 43 km from the Haldwani bus stand to Nainital Bus station. The journey will take approx 1 hour 20 minutes if you travel on UTC Bus Service.
If you travel by car then it'll take 1 hour to cover the distance from Haldwani to Nainital. But, if I hire or ride your bike then the journey will take less than 1 hour to reach the Nainital from Haldwani.
Also, there are two ways to reach Nainital from Haldwani. One is via Jeolikot which is approximately 43 km, and another route is via Kaladhungi. The distance from Haldwani to Nainital via Kaladhungi is about 58 km, and the journey will take 1 hour 45 minutes.
Nainital Distance from other locations by Road
Kathgodam to Nainital Distance - 35 km (1 Hour)
Bareilly to Nainital distance - 143 km (3 Hours 30 Minutes)
Bhowali to Nainital distance - 13 km (30 Minutes)
Dehradun to Nainital Distance - 282 km (6 Hours 30 Minutes)
Nainital to Kainchi Dham distance - 20 km (45 Minutes)
Distance between Nainital to Kashipur - 83 Km (2 Hours 15 Minutes)
Nainital to Almora Distance - 65 km (2 hours 15 minutes)
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